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Curative Termite Treatment
Post-Construction Anti-Termite Treatment

This treatment is essential for controlling the termite infestation in the existing building premises. This is a highly specialized treatment which is carried out by drilling holes all along the perimeters from out-side of the building as well as in specific areas where wooden fixtures are embedded in floors and walls, water based chemical emulsion is sprayed or injected through these holes until properly soaked in order to create a strong chemical barrier impervious to termite. Termite galleries are removed and injected with fumigants and complete fix woodwork is thoroughly impregnated with special wood preservatives to make the wood resistant to further termite attack. The effectiveness period depends upon the infestation level. If during the effectiveness period any termite infestation occurs then we shall do the treatment again free of cost for removing the termite infestation.
Termite Control Maintenance Services
Termite control maintenance services comprises of removing existing termite infestation by way of injecting effective Termiticide in termite galleries and spraying wood preservatives on the entire fix woodwork to make it resistant to future termite attack. This treatment is essential for multi-story apartments and those buildings, which is having basements. Routine checkups and treatment follow the treatment carried out initially if necessary.